Exciting news: BUBO and PSL will be at the Global Birdfair next month! Visit us at the Pan-species Listing stand in the Kestrel marquee to find out more about pan-species listing, meet some of the people behind it, have a go at the id quiz, get help with species identifications, join us on mini-bioblitz sessions around the Lyndon Top site, ask questions about the PSL or BUBO Listing websites, enter your own sightings, and watch the cumulative Global Birdfair PSL list live on screen. Become a super-naturalist with PSL!
We will be heading out for mini-bioblitzes at 11am and 2pm each day. To join us, just come to the stand in time for any session.
If you are at the Birdfair on any of the three days then your sightings can contribute to the overall PSL list:
- login to the PSL website
- create your own Birdfair PSL list:
- the Location name is "Global Birdfair (Rutland Water)"
- select Year list so that we can compare with future years!
- hit Create
- enter anything that you see whilst at the Birdfair or the wider Rutland Water reservoir during the three days
- either use Batch Edit or the individual Add Species options
- or just pop along and tell us your sightings and we'll add them to a PSL group list
- follow the overall list at panspecieslisting.com/birdfair2024
- after the Birdfair we will add all sightings to iRecord, so they will be made as useful as possible to the biological recording community
We would love some help at the Birdfair from any fellow PSLers. If you would like to volunteer to join us on the stand or for our bioblitz sessions then please Contact Us.