Started panlisting properly on January 1st 2024 with exactly 2000 species. Started birding in 2001 when I was 15, and that was it for 15 years until moths took over my whole life. Now trying to identify any bycatch to my garden moth trap. All good fun.
Most wanted species High Brown & Glanville Fritillary, Mountain Ringlet, Long-tailed Blue to complete the resident butterflies. Stag Beetle. Orca, Hazel Dormouse. Garden Tiger! Dog Stinkhorn, Red Cage Fungus, Devil’s Fingers. Any orchids, Henbane. Sandrunners. Hypercallia citrinalis, Pseudotelphusa paripunctella, Dasycera oliviella, Commophila aeneana…this list could go on forever…
Gloucestershire naturalist now based in Cambridgeshire monitoring the wildlife of RSPB Hope Farm.
Most wanted species Mole (!), Polecat, a Lesser White-fronted Goose at WWT Slimbridge, anything new to Britain (or science!)
Based in West Sussex, slowly but surely building up my PSL list, still a lot to learn but I'm interested in everything!
Always been a birder, but also very keen on plants, dragonflies, lepidoptera and macro fungi.
Most wanted species Basking Shark, Otter, Common Octopus, Dotterel, anything new!
Masters student at Kew Gardens studying Plant and Fungal Taxonomy, Diversity and Conservation
Enjoy local patchwork and twitch occasionally.
I have been studying natural history for some 35 years, 23 in a professional capacity. I am now a freelance entomologist/ecologist based in the south east after working for wildlife charities for nearly 20 years (RSPB as Reserves Ecologist for seven and Sussex Wildlife Trust as Senior Ecologist for 12). I am the county recorder for Heteroptera and spiders in both Sussex counties. My main areas of interest are spiders, bugs, beetles, molluscs, bees, moths, rock-pooling etc and a lot of my spare time is spent in the field. I manage a database of over quarter of a million records and have verified over 22,000 records in iRecord. I've been a driving force in the PSL community from the start, involved with both websites, the Facebook group and I'm currently writing a book on it all.
Researching the book has led me to discover that I am both autistic and ADHD - something I genuinely had no idea about until 2023. I am very open about it and proud to be 'out' as it were. If anyone ever wants to talk to me about neurodivergence, get in touch. PSL is very ND friendly.
I run the "PSL Sussex" WhatsApp group. So if you are a PSLer in (or near to) Sussex and want to be included, get in touch. Hear about local finds quickly and spur of the moment, ad hoc, disorganised trips out in Sussex.
Most wanted species Any nudibranch I have not seen yet but especially Babakina anondoni and Berghia coerulsecens. Roller, Oleander Hawk-moth, Camberwell Beauty, Lacon quercus, Saperda scalaris any octopus, Orca.
Professional local government ecologist anf all round naturalist.
Early career entomologist, most interested in Aculeates!
Most wanted species Swallowtail, Luna Moth, Stag beetle
I take so many photographs this is providing a welcome place I can look back at them and make some records, I think I will have a photo for everything I think I’ve seen! I’m from Norfolk (at least 400 years), sometimes I venture elsewhere. Joined December 2024. Keen to learn.
Founder member of BUBO with Messrs. Musgrove, Prince, Lawlor and Fuller. Still trying to find a mega at my local patch, Inchgarth Reservoir (Aberdeen), where a biggie is long overdue, but 2008 patch ticks included Hobby, Barn Owl, Shelduck, R-T Diver and Canada Goose! Family and molecular biology commitments preclude excessive twitching but recent UK additions include White-crowned Sparrow, Audouin's Gull, Cretzschmar's Bunting, Steppe Grey Shrike and Glaucous-winged Gull.
Birder, Twitcher, Naturalist, Loves Shearwaters, Seawatching, Art, Photography and I am a subspecies enthusiast. Ticks are based on my opinion. Not anyone else's. for PSL listing I do not include birds as they are on separate lists, Favourite PSL groups are Mammals, Plants, Coleoptera and Orthopteroids
Most wanted species BIRDS:
Red-Legged Partridge
Great Bittern
Grey Partridge
Painted Lady
Common Toad
Green-Veined White
Holly Blue
28, Northumberland Birder, mainly patch and county birding but like the odd twitch...
Birder, Zoology student at University of Exeter, star of #BadLuckBirder
Birding since childhood, new to listing.
Formal listing and record keeping began on 16 Jun 2022.
Instagram: @through_my_scope
eBird: jamsydodger
Most wanted species Micrommata virescens
I'm a Norwich based birder and all-round naturalist, predominantly recording in Norfolk but occasionally elsewhere in Britain. My local patch is Whitlingham Country Park. Aside from birds my main interests include butterflies, fungi and hemiptera. I'm currently the Norfolk county recorder for Psylloidea.
Most wanted species Violet Coral Fungus, Goat Moth, Pocota personata
16 year old birder lucky enough to travel often to some pretty great birding locations.
I am 60 (something) and unashamedly a diehard birder. My father cultivated an interest in all things pertaining to the natural world, particularly birds, from early childhood. My initial discoveries, from flowers to butterflies, were logged in I-Spy books. I also started to keep a personal diary of my ornithological observations from aged 11. Curiosity was converted to a life long avian passion when I saw a family of Redstarts in a local wood. I did not have a proper field guide then and identified the species from looking through a Brook Bond tea card album! I thought (and still do) that the male was the most beautiful of British birds. My ornithological "apprenticeship" developed steadily, through field excursions; family holidays; local patch coverage; census work; submitting my sightings to various bird reports. My first successful rarity "twitch" was a Solitary Sandpiper in my home county of Essex during 1974. With Greater Yellowlegs and Sociable Plover the following year, rarity chasing, from Shetland to Scilly, has continued apace ever since. More recently, I have done a lot more birding globally, particularly in the Far East.
Most wanted species A tricky proposition - so many desirable species. Honing in on three apiece for my British list - Pallas's Sandgrouse, Great Black-headed Gull and Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and for my world list - Southern Cassowary, Ibisbill and Orange Dove. Subject to change...
Lifelong, but still intermediate level birder, more recently expanded to Pan-listing. Never cease to be amazed what can be discovered within walking distance of home.
Most wanted species Woodchat Shrike.
Least Adder's Tongue
Pannaria rubiginosa
Young birder, photographer and wildlife enthusiast
Long-time birder, but brand new PSLer as of late 2023, historical ticks where I know about them (photos, notes etc.).
Seen many more species, but unless I can find evidence for dates - I'll have to refind them!
Most wanted species Turtle Dove (UK, but really Yorkshire), Leatherback Sea Turtle (UK)