Graeme Lyons

Graeme Lyons

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Number of lists: 5
United Kingdom
I have been studying natural history for some 35 years, 23 in a professional capacity. I am now a freelance entomologist/ecologist based in the south east after working for wildlife charities for nearly 20 years (RSPB as Reserves Ecologist for seven and Sussex Wildlife Trust as Senior Ecologist for 12). I am the county recorder for Heteroptera and spiders in both Sussex counties. My main areas of interest are spiders, bugs, beetles, molluscs, bees, moths, rock-pooling etc and a lot of my spare time is spent in the field. I manage a database of over quarter of a million records and have verified over 22,000 records in iRecord. I've been a driving force in the PSL community from the start, involved with both websites, the Facebook group and I'm currently writing a book on it all.

Researching the book has led me to discover that I am both autistic and ADHD - something I genuinely had no idea about until 2023. I am very open about it and proud to be 'out' as it were. If anyone ever wants to talk to me about neurodivergence, get in touch. PSL is very ND friendly.

I run the "PSL Sussex" WhatsApp group. So if you are a PSLer in (or near to) Sussex and want to be included, get in touch. Hear about local finds quickly and spur of the moment, ad hoc, disorganised trips out in Sussex.
Any nudibranch I have not seen yet but especially Babakina anondoni and Berghia coerulsecens. Roller, Oleander Hawk-moth, Camberwell Beauty, Lacon quercus, Saperda scalaris any octopus, Orca.
Spiders: Heliophanus kochii (Brighton, 2023) & Enoplognatha mandibularis (Penzance, 2013 & 2023). Bugs: Coptosoma scutellatum (Marline Valley, 2019) & Geocoris megacephalus (Jersey, 2024). Beetles: Colotes maculatus (Cuckmere, 2024).