Seth Gibson

Seth Gibson

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Number of lists: 5
United Kingdom
Bit of a mad naturalist and a keen 'organism lister' since well before the phrase 'pan-species listing' was coined. Birds were my first passion, then moths, orthoptera, name it and I've probably got an interest in it! I've found a small handful of species new to Britain. 2006 was a Big Bird Year when I managed 314 in UK, nowadays I'm lucky to hit about half of that. My current areas of interest are plants, birds and diptera, but I'm perpetually into other stuff. I alternate between shaggy hair and scruffy beard/ crewcut and clean-shaven, but any nutter halfway up a mountain with a handlens around his neck, demon tattoo on his left arm and chugging on a Red Bull is likely to be me.
Norwegian Mugwort, Orca, Mediterranean Moray Eel, Timberman and Great Black-headed Gull.
Coleophora calycotomella (Lepidoptera: 2 colonies in Surrey, subsequently IDed by John Langmaid)
Mitella ovalis (Plant: first 'in the wild' record of this garden ornamental)
Phyllosticta crinodendri (Fungus: on Crinodendron leaves, confirmed by Bruce Ing)
Ectopsocopsis cryptomeriae (Psocidae: many in the Ventnor Bot Gdn hothouse, subsequently IDed by Mark Telfer)