Sam Thomas

Sam Thomas

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Number of lists: 1
United Kingdom
I've been a naturalist and biological recorder since childhood. I grew up in North Wales and started, predictably, with birds before focusing on botany. Then came an obsessive moth phase. More recently I've focused on Diptera. I also dabble in Auchenorrhyncha and Symphyta and anything else that turns up in my net and looks interesting. I started PSL around 2015 based on previous lists and notes. Currently nearing completion on a mission to see all the UK Sorbus taxa.
Any species level biological record counts, dead or alive, plant hybrids are included but only where they are clearly persistent and occur away from one or other parent. Nearly all of my PSL is self-found and identified.
Centrophlebomyia furcata, any of the Solidago feeding Tephritidae, Stenogrammitis myosuroides
Diptera: Chromatomyia isicae, Eumerus narcissi (with Matt Harrow & Steven Falk), Philotelma parvum, Parydra flavitarsis & Sylvicola fuscatus new to the UK and Liriomyza angulicornis new to Ireland. A currently undescribed species of Phytomyza mining Ilex in the New Forest.