David Cousins

David Cousins

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Number of lists: 2
United Kingdom
Great Dunmow
Started panlisting properly on January 1st 2024 with exactly 2000 species. Started birding in 2001 when I was 15, and that was it for 15 years until moths took over my whole life. Now trying to identify any bycatch to my garden moth trap. All good fun.
High Brown & Glanville Fritillary, Mountain Ringlet, Long-tailed Blue to complete the resident butterflies. Stag Beetle. Orca, Hazel Dormouse. Garden Tiger! Dog Stinkhorn, Red Cage Fungus, Devil’s Fingers. Any orchids, Henbane. Sandrunners. Hypercallia citrinalis, Pseudotelphusa paripunctella, Dasycera oliviella, Commophila aeneana…this list could go on forever…