Alastair Hotchkiss
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Alastair Hotchkiss
I guess lots of plants, Ena montana, Gomphus vulgatissimus, Asilus crabroniformis, Laphria flava, Calliprobola, Hericium erinaceus, Capercaille? Carabus intricatus, Violet click, Erotides cosnardi, Saperda scalais, good view of a merlin?, honey buzzard, stone curlew, water vole. One of those river shingle stiletto flies eg Spiriverpa lunulata, Crested tit?, Ghostwort Aneura mirabilis, Ptilidium pulcherrimum, Buxbaumia aphylla, Zygodon forsteri, maybe Catolechia wahlenbergii, Teloschistes chrysopthalmus, Chaenotheca phaeocephala, Calicium adspersum, Phaeographis lyellii, corncrake, lesser spotted woodpecker, hear field cricket, a whale, things I can't think of right now.