Adrian Knowles
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Number of lists: 1
United Kingdom
Capel St Mary
Most recording has been done through contract work and much of my material has been identified by other people. Mainly active in Suffolk and Essex.
Miscophus bicolor (wasp, 2003), species tentatively suggested by Peter Harvey and later confirmed; Elampus foveatus (wasp, 2018), identified by Juho Paukunnen; Gonioctena fornicata (beetle, 2021), identified by myself; Crossopalpus abditus (fly, 2022), identified by David Gibbs; Napomyza achilleanella and Anagnota major (flies, 2024), identified by David Gibbs; Bicava sp. (latridiid beetle, 2024), Mark Telfer suggests this would be new to the northern hemisphere but still under investigation and species yet to be determined. Placed in this genus by Wolfgang Rucker.