Sim Elliott
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I am an amateur naturalist and volunteer at RSPB Pagham Harbour. I try to promote engagement with nature in Sussex and its surrounding counties, and promote the use of public transport to travel to nature sites. My particular interests are birds, lichens, bryophytes and vascular plants but when I am on nature trips I try to record all species I notice
My website gives information about the the species I have seen at nature sites in Sussex, including details of public transport links to those sites
Individual species that I have seen are listed chronologically on my iNaturalist public page ay @sim_elliott. I also use iRecord to record significant species. You can see my tweets on species and conservation on Twitter at @sim_nature
My website gives information about the the species I have seen at nature sites in Sussex, including details of public transport links to those sites
Individual species that I have seen are listed chronologically on my iNaturalist public page ay @sim_elliott. I also use iRecord to record significant species. You can see my tweets on species and conservation on Twitter at @sim_nature