Julie Mason

Julie Mason

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Number of lists: 1
United Kingdom
Starting birding when I was 6 and could hold a pair of binoculars. Also a general naturalist enjoying Butterflies, Moths, Mammals and general Insects too. Started recording moths in 2010 primarily in VC66 and also more recently in VC60 too. Being able to appreciate and enjoy being in the natural world is special. After starting to compile my list I realised my British birds needs some work after focusing on my Western Palaeacrtic life list.
King Eider (missed every time), Stellar Eider and Clough. Moths: December Moth (never lucky), Clifden Nonpareil and Eyed Hawkmoth. Butterflies: Purple Emperor and any fritillary (never seen them in the UK). Other insects Stag beetle and Glowworm. Mammals: Pine Martin.