Julian Small

Julian Small

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Number of lists: 1
United Kingdom
Near York
I’ve been pan-species listing since about 2014 and am fascinated by most biological groups. I’d love to get better at identifying fungi and I’d really love to get into freshwater microscopic thingies. I’m fortunate to be the manager of a National Nature Reserve in my working life, so I do occasionally manage to escape the office and get paid to enjoy nature. I count that blessing every time!
I'd love to see a Wryneck. There's two flies on the nature reserve where I work that are not found elsewhere in the UK, and I've not seen them yet - Zaphne proxima and Eutaenionotum guttipennis
Trichocera brevis, and two other winter gnats (Trichocera pappi and Trichocera species Z). These are possibly some of the boring insects in the UK!