When you add a new species to your list it's interesting to know how significant it is. And so now we tell you how many other "similar" lists (of the same type, e.g. location, life/year, self-found) your new species can be found on.

This information will be available whether you add a single record, or whether you're using the batch entry approach (although with the latter we only tell you when your species has been seen by 25% or fewer people).
You can click through to see who else has recorded that species (and where/when if they've included those details).

We've also integrated with the NBN Atlas to give you an idea of how well-recorded a species is.

Firstly, the main PSL checklist now shows you, for every species, how many accepted records there are on the NBN Atlas. Click on the number in the Records column to view the species on the NBN Atlas.
Secondly, when you add a species to your list it will highlight if this is significant, based on how many existing accepted records there are.
If you are entering several records via batch edit, don't worry as the message isn't obtrusive and you can ignore it and keep ticking away.

Finally, we're keen to remind listers of the importance of passing on all your biological records for further use. PSL is intended as a enjoyable system for list sharing and comparing, but it is not designed for anything more than that. For people who record across multiple taxonomic groups we'd recommend that you submit your data to iRecord, which is well set up for passing data on to those who need it. There are links to iRecord from the highlight messages as well as for each species in batch edit, but you can always go directly to the iRecord website to add a list of records. Alternatively, you can send your records direct to the various taxa-based National Schemes and Societies. As PSLers we can all contribute a wealth of valuable data to aid conservation in this country simply by submitting as many of our records as possible so that they get to whoever needs them.