Editor permission for UK400 List

01 Dec 2024 18:27 - 03 Dec 2024 08:48 #1 by Nick Moss
Lee Evans has given me permission to be editor for the UK400 list. See email below.......Is this something you can action so that I can add those species missing from the UK400 List. It stands at 670 species, so at 634 there will be 36 to add.

Regards, Nick Moss
  • Lee Evans 

    Sun, 1 Dec at 17:46

    Haven't heard from BUBO in years - didn't even know that the UK400 Club list was an option. Have they not removed it? No problem if you wish to update it but it must be a long way out of date. The current list stands at around 670 species

    On Sunday 1 December 2024 at 09:12:38 GMT, mo* <mo*> wrote:

    Good morning Lee

    I note that the Uk400 list is no longer updated on BUBO, which is frustrating. BUBO themselves have confirmed they will not be updating it, and I am not sure if you authorise someone else to be 'Editor' it will even address the matter.

    Would you be prepared to give someone such as myself permission to be editor, so that species like Grey-headed Lapwing and Black-winged Kite can be added to it? There may be one or two other species too.
  • Regards, Nick Moss

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03 Dec 2024 08:46 #2 by Mike Prince
Hi Nick

Thanks for the offer but we won't be reinstating the UK400 Club list. We spent a lot of effort with it in the past only to stop receiving updates. Since the list is not published it goes against our ethos of transparency - and would be the only list we support that has not been published. Whilst most lists around the world are generally converging and agreeing on taxonomy, including IOC and Clements, supporting a different list based on individual unpublished decisions is not a direction we wish to take.
Having said this, I'm not sure it would be your best option anyway. On your list you say "NOT interested in competitive listing nor particularly interested in committee/authority decisions. Would love an 'opt out' button on 'Rankings' as not trying to compete with others, simply to keep a personal wild bird list". In that case, why not use BirdTrack or eBird to record whatever you want to, or even download your BUBO list and maintain it in Excel for example? 

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03 Dec 2024 08:54 - 03 Dec 2024 08:59 #3 by Nick Moss
Cheers Mike

Appreciate your thoughts and all duly noted. Thought it was worth asking.

Its not a slur against competitive listing, its just my view, but I just love your format on BUBO. For convenience and look.
Also, not sure whether there is any facility for life lists on those two platforms. It seems more to do with day to day reporting.

Cheers, Nick


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03 Dec 2024 11:53 #4 by Mike Prince
They are both designed for day to day reporting - which is a great thing for all of us to be doing anyway! At least with eBird though, you can just keep a life list if you want to: support.ebird.org/en/support/solutions/a...-pre-ebird-life-list . You are restricted to their taxonomy but can enter subspecies records and many recognisable forms, although the life list they show would not total these. If it really is for your own use though maybe a spreadsheet would be better as you can count anything you want to that they don't recognise and easily total these. Downloading your BUBO list would be a helpful start.

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03 Dec 2024 11:54 #5 by Mike Prince
Oh, and thanks for the comments about BUBO! Even with you being able to edit the list, it is differences in taxonomy that would be a bit of a pain to maintain.

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03 Dec 2024 13:04 #6 by Nick Moss
I always try and big-up BUBO where I can. I don't actually mind the totals list but I don't like competitive birding when its taken too seriously.
Cheers Mike.

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